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Fig. 1 | Middle East Fertility Society Journal

Fig. 1

From: Predictive factors of aneuploidy in infertile patients undergoing IVF: a retrospective analysis in a private IVF practice

Fig. 1

Aneuploidy rate based on patients’ history (color coded). Cause of infertility: blue, female cause; orange, male cause; gray, mixed cause; yellow, unexplained; p = 0.15. Consanguinity: blue, none; orange, present; p = 0.0001. Semen analysis: blue, asthenospermia; orange, azoospermia; gray, normal; yellow, oligoasthenospermia; light blue, oligospermia; green, teratospermia; p = 0.77. Female infertility causes: blue, endometriosis; orange, low ovarian reserve; gray, no cause; yellow, PCOS; light blue, tubal factor; green, uterine factor; p = 0.289

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