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Table 1 Main characteristics of studies evaluating the effect of stimulation phase length on ICSI outcomes

From: The dilemma of the trigger timing in IVF: a review



Stimulation protocol

Study groups

Criteria used for triggering ovulation

Statistically significant results (p < 0.05)

Martin et al. [16]


555 IVF/ICSI cycles from 460 women

Long agonist protocol

G1: 6–9, G2: 10–11 and G3: 12 or more days of stimulation

At least 3 follicles ≥ 18 in mean diameter

Fewer oocytes retrieved in group 3. No diff. in IR, CPR, and OPR

Chuang et al. [17]


794 cycles from 545 women

Long agonist, flare, or antagonist protocols

G1: ≤ 9 days, G2: 10–12 and G3: 13 or more days of stimulation

Minimum of 2 follicles ≥ 17 mm in mean diameter

On multivariate analysis, cycles with SPL ≥ 13 days were associated with significantly lower CPR and LBR

Ryan et al. [24]


663 women

Long agonist, flare, or antagonist protocols

G1: SPL ≥ 13 days G2: SPL < 13 days

hCG was used as a trigger when at least 3 follicles ≥ 18 mm and the majority of the cohort above 14 mm

CPR was dramatically decreased when SPL is 13 days or longer

Alport et al. (2011) [25]


140 normal responder women

Long agonist and antagonist protocol

G1: SPL < 10, G2: 10–12 and G3: 12 or more days

When > 3 follicles reached > 17 mm, 10,000 IU u-hCG were administrated

SPL of 11 days was associated with the optimum number of follicles and oocytes. No difference in IR and CPR

Mardesic et al. [18]


1448 women


Early responders (received hCG prior to or on day 8) and Normal responders (received hCG after day 8)

hCG was administrated when at least 3 follicles ≥ 17 mm in mean diameter

No difference in the number of oocytes retrieved and OPR between the two groups

Purandare et al. (2016) [26]


10,487 IVF/ICSI cycles

Long agonist, flare, or antagonist protocols

Patients arranged from the shortest stimulation period (7 days) to the longest period (16 days)

hCG was administrated when at least 2–3 follicles ≥ 18 mm in diameter

No difference in CPR in both IVF and ICSI cycles with all used protocols

Deepmala et al. (2019) [27]


136 women

Long agonist and antagonist protocol

Short SPL (< 10 days), medium (10–12 days), and long (> 12 days)

Rec-hCG was administrated when at least 3 follicles ≥ 18 mm in mean diameter

Peak follicles, oocytes retrieved, MII oocytes were found at 11 days of stimulation then falls. No difference in fertilization, implantation, and pregnancy rates