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Fig. 3 | Middle East Fertility Society Journal

Fig. 3

From: Sperm chromosomal abnormalities in infertile men with failed intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Fig. 3

Sperm FISH image with probes for chromosomes X, Y, and 18 showing a normal spermatozoa with one red signal for Y chromosome and one blue signal for chromosome 18. b Normal spermatozoa with one green signal for X chromosome and one blue signal for chromosome 18. c Abnormal spermatozoa with one green signal X chromosome and no blue signal for chromosome 18 (nullisomy 18). d Abnormal spermatozoa with one blue signal for chromosome 18 and no green or red signals for sex chromosomes (nullisomy sex chromosome). e A diploid spermatozoa with one green signal for X chromosome, one red signal for Y chromosome and two blue signals for chromosome 18 (XY1818). f A diploid spermatozoa with two green signals for X chromosome and two blue signals for chromosome 18 (XX1818). g A diploid spermatozoa with two red signals for Y chromosome and two blue signals for chromosome 18 (YY1818)

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