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Fig. 1 | Middle East Fertility Society Journal

Fig. 1

From: Unraveling the complexity of the molecular pathways associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and identifying molecular targets for therapeutic development: a review of literature

Fig. 1

Bubble chart depicting the degree of centrality of selected genes associated with PCOS phenotypes. The size of each bubble represents the relative count of network interactions for the corresponding gene, while the color indicates the significance level of the gene’s association with PCOS. The chart shows that HSD3B2 has the highest degree of centrality, followed by PPARG and LMNA, indicating that these genes have the most connections within the PCOS-associated gene network. Other genes, such as AMH, PPP1R3A, and PLIN1, also show significant associations with PCOS, albeit with lower degrees of centrality. The bubble chart provides an overview of the relative counts network connections of the selected genes in the PCOS-associated gene network, highlighting potential targets for further investigation

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