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Fig. 1 | Middle East Fertility Society Journal

Fig. 1

From: The magnetic cell separation method reveals protective effect of melatonin on human spermatozoa from peroxide-induced apoptosis

Fig. 1

A In the presence of H2O2 as a ROS in the environment, increasing pre-apoptotic factors and decreasing anti-apoptotic factors will increase the production of oxysterol production. Thus increasing the membrane's permeability to cytochrome C and producing procaspase 9, one of these factors leads to the production of apoptotic bodies, and ultimately the production of caspase 3 will be carried out as a caspase and DNA fragmentation and ultimately destroy the sperm nucleus. B In the presence of melatonin as an antioxidant in the environment, by increasing ERK and MT1 receptor, activity of caspases and oxidative degradation reduced and it leads to reduction of the germinal layer and then blocking the DNA fragmentation pathway, along with increasing sperm fertility capacity, such as improvement morphology and movement, it will increase the chance of fertilization

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