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Table 3 Mean and standard deviation (SD) of abnormal chromatin structure as assessed by the SCD test and DNA denaturation as evaluated by the AO test in the three spermatic fractions (neat semen, 45% layer, and 90% layer)

From: Efficacy of density gradient centrifugation technique (DGC) in enhancing sperm cell DNA quality for assisted reproductive technique


Neat semen

45% layer group

90% layer group

p value

Sperm chromatin dispersion (%)

44.77 ± 8.13

45.10 ± 8. 41

22.16 ± 6.1


Acridine orange test (%)

49.76 ± 31.56

37.12 ± 14.09

15.71 ± 10.07


  1. Values are mean ± SD
  2. **p < .001, highly significant difference between the 90% layer group and both neat semen and 45% layer group